Civil War Games Civil War Games: Play free online American civil war games and play as a soldier in the Confederate or Union in the civil war of 1861 - 1865. Ultimate General: Civil War is a tactical real time strategy war game. Experience the bloodiest period of U.S. History - the American Civil War of 1861-1865. A list of Upcoming American civil war video games for PC sorted by popularity among gamers. PC (Personal computer) - one of the most popular home platforms and the only one which doesn’t offer playing video games as its main purpose. PC was born in the 1970s, but it is impossible to give an exact moment of its birth or even a name of its creator. The topic Ordinary Heroes contains this statement: “The Civil War was the first war to be fully covered by the press. Reporters risked their lives to get firsthand accounts of battles.”. Have students imagine they are reporters interviewing a Civil War soldier. They should write approximately 10 questions they would like to ask the soldier.
The Civil War Battles wargames cover many different campaigns during the American Civil War. The game scale is 125 yard hexes and 20 minute turns. Units are normally at the regiment and battery level.
The Shenandoah Valley, a place of beauty and natural wonder. But during the Civil War years, a place of great military value and strategic importance. For the South, the valley became known as “the breadbasket of the Confederacy.” For the Union, it was a backdoor into the heart of an enemy. Now is your chance to step back in time and take up the call for battle. A time when “Stonewall” Jackson became a name to be feared, and where the Union capital was nearly captured, along with President Lincoln and his hopes to reunite a nation torn apart by civil war. Campaign Shenandoah provides the perfect opportunity to refight the great Valley battles of 1862 and 1864; Battles that decided the fate of this hallowed ground. Some have names that you may be familiar with; the battles for Winchester, and Kernstown, and the Battle of Cedar Creek. Others are smaller, but no less important; Cross keys, Cool Springs, and Fort Stevens.
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After more than three long years of bloody warfare, both Union and Confederate soldiers are demoralized and worn out. Will this war ever end, was the pervasive thought. Despite this never ceasing carnage and hardship, neither side is willing to compromise or surrender. Union commander General U.S. Grant was utterly convinced that it was only a matter of time, and worse yet, Confederate General Robert E. Lee was also similarly convinced. Yet, there may yet still be hope for the South, and so the fighting continued, and the campaign for Petersburg began. For nine months, starting in June of 1864, the campaign was fought, and shots were fired daily. Some battles were small, some large, and both sides suffered unimaginable hardships. There were days that were unbearably hot, and others unbearably cold, some wet and some dry, and all were bloody and miserable. Now it’s your turn to experience these challenges, simulated for you in Campaign Petersburg. From the confines of well-prepared trenches, and city blocks, to the heavily forested Virginia country side and open farm land, your troops will maneuver and attempt the destruction of your enemy. Prepare yourself and engage the enemy, your soldiers are awaiting your orders.
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The Overland Campaign was like no other Civil War campaign, and shares more similarities with the First World War than with earlier battles such as First Bull Run and Shiloh, and was made more horrific by the meeting of passion and technology in the first of our 'modern' wars. Gone was the old practice of marching out of camp to fight a battle and then, win or lose, marching back to camp to refit before fighting another. This campaign was a relentless struggle, a dance of death through tidewater Virginia, with the Union Army under U S Grant continually trying to outflank Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. Every flanking maneuver found Lee's ragged veterans blocking the way. Grant was every bit as aggressive as Lee, and he had the manpower of the North to back him up. They started calling him 'Butcher' Grant, and someone told him that his and Lee's armies would be like the Kilkenny cats that devoured each other. Grant grimly said, 'Our cat has the longer tail.' It was part of a two-pronged plan. Years later, Sherman summed it up by saying, 'Grant was to go for Lee and I was to go for Joe Johnston'.
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War Of Rights
Following Lee's failed invasion of the North in 1862, and McClellan's inability to destroy the Army of Northern Virginia near Antietam Creek in September of that year, President Lincoln tried and failed to find a commander who could defeat Lee.
He chose first Ambrose Burnside, then Joe Hooker. During the next eight months they would in turn fight two major battles which they hoped would win the war and end the Southern rebellion. History records these battles as Fredericksburg (December 1862), and Chancellorsville (May 1863). They would later be known as Lee's greatest victories, the 'high tide' of the Confederacy--and the final battle of Thomas 'Stone Wall' Jackson. Now comes your opportunity to repeat these victories for the South, or take command of the Federal army and crush the rebellion once and for all. Be bold and never look back!
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By the end of the day, September 17th, 1862, The Battle of Antietam has been known as 'America's Bloodiest day.' And so it was and remains.
Many battles preceded and followed, but none would be so costly on both sides as Antietam. No more would citizen soldiers populate both armies. Rather, they would now be known as professional veterans. For the Confederacy, the brilliance of Robert E. Lee would be needed to keep the southern army alive. Opposing him, a series of union generals would be tried. Many would fail. In the end, George McClellan would be called upon, a second time, to save the Union. Will he succeed, or will Lee lead southern armies to victory?
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By late 1862, the war in the west was proving to be a very difficult theater of operations for the Confederacy. The disastrous defeats at Fort Donelson and Shiloh were especially damaging to the southern cause. But hope and spirit prevailed. A new plan was developed. Invade Kentucky, force the bulk of the Union army out of Tennessee, defeat it and encourage Kentuckians to join the Confederacy. Campaign Chickamauga recreates the campaigns and battles of late 1862 and 1863. These battles would help decide the fate of both Kentucky and Tennessee and ultimately, the Union.
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At the beginning of 1864, the Union was poised to begin its final drive into the deep South. The plan was simple, Union General William T. Sherman and his three separate armies with over 110,000 men, would advance south, seek and destroy the Confederate Army of Tennessee and capture Atlanta. However, a determined General Joseph E. Johnston was ordered to stop this invasion. Johnston's plan was also simple, fortify and defend each mile of southern territory, inflict greater losses on the enemy and force them into a costly mistake. Cleverly using the difficult terrain of northern Georgia, the plan nearly worked.Now you can re-fight the entire 120 mile march to Atlanta. Stop and face the invaders at places like, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Kennesaw Mountain, and even Atlanta itself. Your choices will decided the fate of the Confederacy. Fight well and bring victory to your chosen side.
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It is the end of April 1863 on the Mississippi River. After disastrous Union campaigns at Chickasaw Bayou, Steele Bayou and Greenville, General U.S. Grant now elects to bypass the Confederate fortress city of Vicksburg. Instead, he will take his Army of the Tennessee and march down the Louisiana side of the Mississippi River.Anxiously expecting a Union thrust somewhere across the river into Mississippi, Lt. General John C. Pemberton and his Confederate army occupies a strongly fortified position extending both north and south of Vicksburg. With Grant's crossing of the mighty river there will be no turning back...for either side.
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It is 1862. The Eastern theater of the American Civil War is deadlocked. But a mobile campaign is being fought in the West. Union General Ulysses S. Grant is fighting his way down the Mississippi River, capturing Forts Henry and Donelson. Confederate General Johnston launches a surprise attack against Grant's encampment at Pittsburgh Landing--otherwise known as Shiloh Church. 'Shiloh' means 'peaceful.'
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By the middle of 1862, the Confederacy teetered on the brink of disaster on all fronts. Defeat after demoralizing defeat plagued Southern forces in the west. At the same time in the eastern theater, General George B. McClellan's Federal Army of the Potomac arrived at the outskirts of Richmond after a slow but steady 50-mile march up the rugged Virginia peninsula. On 31 May, the Confederate army, under the command of General Joseph E. Johnston, turned and attacked McClellan's army at Fair Oaks and Seven Pines. The two-day battle caught the Army of the Potomac in a vulnerable position astride the raging Chickahominy River. After initial success, the Confederate attack was blunted and both sides returned to their lines. Perhaps the most significant result of the battle was the wounding of Johnston and the elevation of Robert E. Lee to the command of the Army of Northern Virginia.
Civil War Games 2018
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It is the crossroad of the War between the States. July 1, 1863, dawns hot and bright in southeastern Pennsylvania. General Lee had slipped behind the Union Armies, which were moving south to engage them in what many believed, then and now, to be the climactic battle of the American Civil War.
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Campaign Franklin depicts General Hood's desperate attempt to reach the Ohio River in Tennessee and thwart General Sherman's advance in Georgia. But stubborn Union defenses along with his own mistakes will foil his plans.
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The early years of the American Civil War witnessed several desperate struggles for possession of the vast Ozark region of Missouri and Arkansas. The fate of embattled Missouri was crucial to the war efforts of both sides and Campaign Ozark depicts these decisive conflicts in three campaigns.
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Campaign Corinth depicts the Mississippi front of the vast Confederate offensive in the Fall of 1862 that culminated in the battle of Corinth. Defending Federal gains in Mississippi and West Tennessee are Federal Generals Ulysses S. Grant and William S. Rosecrans. Their opponents, Confederate Generals Earl Van Dorn and Sterling Price, have dreams of planting their banners on the banks of the Ohio River.
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In Civil War Generals 2: Grant - Lee - Sherman, the sequel to Robert E. Lee: Civil War General, the designers have taken the best from the original title and implemented many more features to make playing a truly memorable experience. In this turn-based Civil War extravaganza, hex squares are equal to about 200 yards across, thus making it evident right away that you'll be controlling your units at a very low level of detail. Each daylight turn is the equivalent of roughly a half an hour of real time battle. Night action comes in various forms and therefore the length of the turns varies accordingly.
The game includes an in-depth, two part tutorial scenario that covers most of the basic gameplay and its use is highly recommended, especially for novice gamers. The number of units available in Civil War Generals 2: Grant - Lee - Sherman have nearly tripled from its predecessor. Now in addition to infantry, cavalry, artillery and specialists, the designers have included engineers, Corps HQ, scouts, heavy artillery, horse artillery, siege mortars, frigates, gunboats and mortar gunboats. Everything from equipment to morale issues to the quality of leadership has been patterned directly on real life counterparts and changing the course of history will not be a simple matter in this simulation.
Of great interest is the way the game handles campaigns. Not only does it string together varying numbers of individual scenarios but puts the emphasis on how well or poorly your army (you can play as either union or confederate) performs during battle. The results in one campaign scenario carry over to the next skirmish or battle! So winning is not always the main objective or only priority, as perhaps a well executed holding action or a dislodging of enemy troops from some strategic terrain could save the day. Living to fight another day is just as important a concept in this game as it was in real life.
A huge array of features including breastworks, medical attention, loyalty, influence of commanding officers, terrain, weather, visibility, indirect fire, flanking operations, holding actions and charges are all components dealt with in the game. Further integrated topics include cohesion of multi-unit actions, correct formations for specific situations, objectives, time of day, ammunition, weapons, supply, reserve strengths, strategy and tactics.
Gameplay is a snap with the easy to use point-and-click interface and the on-screen menus and help are extremely well done. Five multi-player modes are supported and the addition of a scenario builder, which can be used to edit existing scenarios or create brand new ones from scratch, is a welcome feature and is guaranteed to extend the life of the game for a considerable time. As in the first game, victory conditions vary according to the objectives of each scenario and are diverse and realistic. A vast number of single scenarios are included, along with a dozen or so full campaigns, as well as alternative and historical battles. Let your imagination soar and try to change or re-create in vivid detail the American Civil War.
Graphics: Superb graphical depiction of individual units, flags, uniforms, terrain and more. The attention to detail is extremely high and one can definitely see the result of designer pride in putting together a realistic simulation of the Civil War and its many components.
Sound: Terrifically enhancing music from the Civil War era and excellent sound effects complement game play very nicely.
Enjoyment: If you are a Civil War buff, the possibilities inherent in the game are nearly endless. With the scenario designer, historically accurate troop representations as well as battle ingredients, compelling and intense game play and a smart AI, the game serves a great source of enjoyment. Even the casual gamer should get a feeling of satisfaction of 'winning' one of the many, many scenarios or just enjoy the sheer volume of information included.
Civil War Games Online For Students
Replay Value: For all intents and purposes, unlimited.
Grant - Lee - Sherman: Civil War 2: Generals expanded its earlier title, Robert E. Lee: Civil War General. Battle as the boys in blue or gray in the Mississippi Valley or on the Atlantic Coast. Play an individual battle, a mini-campaign or the entire war. Create your own customized battlefields with the new terrain editor, and challenge foes around the world to Internet, modem, or network war. The game features turn-based play on a hex map and artwork by Mort Knnstler.
How to run this game on modern Windows PC?
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