Microsoft Remote Desktop Multiple Moniotrs



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A computer that is accessed remotely by a user using a mean other than Remote Desktop (such as teamviewer), which we call him user A. 2 Users in local network, need to access the same computer at the same time using Remote Desktop identified as users B in order to monitor the activity of user A. We have compiled some great information regarding remote desktop multiple monitors’ windows 10. Just have a quick look. Remote Desktop is an operating system (OS) functionality that allows you to administer a remote computer (virtual server) in real-time.

Windows remote desktop multiple monitors

I saw this over on the Microsoft Remote Desktop Uservoice

Ms Remote Desktop Multiple Monitors

Allow ability to choose subset of local monitors for RDP session (full screen)

Allow ability to select a subset of current monitors with full screen. Currently can choose all or 1 but cannot choose for instance 2 of 3 (full screen).

That seems useful, I wish it did that. I know about this checkbox that says 'Use all my monitors' but I can't say just use 1 and 2 but not 3, right?

Turns out that you CAN span n monitors but it's just buried/internal and has no UI.

Save your RDP file, and open it in Notepad. Everyone's RDP file is different but yours may look like this:

I can put on selectedmonitors:s:x,y and then use the zero-based numbers to indicate my monitors. To get a list of monitors, I can run mstsc /l to LIST out all my monitors on my machine. I can also use mstsc /multimon as a command line to use multiple monitors.

So I set my selectedmonitors:s:0,1 to use my left and middle monitor and skip my right one.

In this picture, I'm RDP'ed into a remote Windows 10 machine in Azure on Monitors 1 and 2 while Monitor 3 is my local one.


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About Scott

Microsoft Remote Desktop Multiple Monitors Windows 10

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.


With our Windows Dedicated Servers most clients manage things over remote desktop protocol (RDP) and we're often asked about using multiple monitors with RDP.

Microsoft Remote Desktop Multiple Monitors

Default settings for connecting to a remote server are typically fine for most users, but those who require multiple monitors for their sessions, such as traders or system administrators, may need to configure RDP to use multiple monitors in their remote sessions.

Reconfiguring remote desktop protocol (RDP) for this is simple and can be done in one of two ways.

Microsoft Remote Desktop Multiple Monitors Mac

  1. The first method is directly through the RDP interface. Open the Remote Desktop and click the 'Options' button on the bottom left-hand corner of the window. Click on the 'Display' tab and tick the checkbox that reads 'Use all my monitors for the remote session' Once this is selected, you can then click 'Connect' and proceed with connecting to the server as normal. If you would like this to be the default behavior for RDP, click on the 'General' tab and click 'Save' before connecting to your remote server.
  2. Alternatively, you can launch RDP from the command line and specify the multimon flag:
    mstsc.exe -multimon
    Launching RDP in this manner will auto-check the 'Use all my monitors for the remote session' box and allow you to bypass the previous steps.

Support for multiple monitors is available when connecting from any Windows 7/8.1/10 computer, however, there are restrictions when connecting to a computer using multi-monitor mode. When connecting to Windows 7 computers, only computers that are running Windows 7 Enterprise or Ultimate can be connected to in multi-monitor mode. When connecting to Windows 8.1, only computers that are running Windows 8.1 Professional or Enterprise can be connected to in multi-monitor mode. Both Standard and Datacenter editions of Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, & Windows Server 2016 support multi-monitor mode.


Microsoft Remote Desktop Dual Monitor Mac

Multi-monitor mode supports up to 16 monitors, with a maximum resolution of 4096 x 2048 per monitor.