Xcode 10.10 5


Hi Guys,

Problems with installing Xcode on Mac 10.10.5 ( Locations - setting) Ask Question Asked 5 years, 8 months ago. Active 3 years, 5 months ago. Mar 27, 2016 Question: Q: Installing Xcode on OS X 10.9.5. Hi Guys, I have been using mac book pro from the past two years. My version of OS(operating system) would be OS X 10.9.5. Jul 29, 2021 macOS Sierra 10.12.4, OS X El Capitan 10.11.6, and OS X Yosemite 10.10.5. IPhone 5 and later, iPad 4th generation and later, and iPod touch 6th generation. Apple Music 2.0 for Android. Android version 4.3 and later. IPhone 5 and later, iPad 4th generation and later, iPod touch 6th. # Installing the latest Xcode command line tools on 10.7.x and 10.8.x # on 10.7/10.8, instead of using the software update feed, the command line tools are downloaded # instead from public download URLs, which can be found in the dvtdownloadableindex. Xcode is very popular since the first release. However, with the latest version of Xcode every tool is easier and more efficient while working on any project. Jun 14, 2016 If it helps, it looks like we need El Capitan (OS 10.10) in order to download the latest xCode 7.3.1. (just check the release notes on the AppStore download page.

I have been using mac book pro from the past two years.

my version of OS(operating system) would be OS X 10.9.5 (13F1712) .As of part of enhancing my knowledge on IOS development .I tried installing the XCODE app from apple store, but that went unsuccessful as it was throwing an dialog box with the error message as below:


Xcode can’t be installed on “Macintosh HD” because OS X version 10.11 or later is required.

So I started upgrading my os to the version (EL Capitan), which is the latest I guess.But even that process of upgrading went on for about 4 hours and failed.

Now my problem would be with installation of application Xcode on my MAC.

is there any other way, I can achieve that?

See Full List On Xcodereleases.com

Please help me.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)

Xcode For Mac 10.10 5

Posted on Mar 27, 2016 11:15 AM